Top Ribbon Awards
Best of Show
Joan Oldham B107
People's Choice
Cindy Smith B108
Judge's Choice
Lisa Yarborough H115
Best Machine Quilting
Gaye Ryon D105
Best Hand Quilting
Sue Elliott F101
Bobbi's Ribbon
Alana Yuratich D108
2023 Quilt Show by SABQG
"Home Sweet Home"
Welcome to our photo gallery featuring the colorful and creative quilts on display at the annual SABQG Quilt Show in sunny Panama City, Florida!
This event was a true celebration of the art of quilting. From intricate piecing to stunning embroidery, each quilt is a masterpiece of skill and creativity. With traditional designs and contemporary twists, these quilts showcase the endless possibilities of stitching and the power of imagination.
So, grab a cup of tea, or coffee, and get ready to be inspired by the boundless beauty and artistry of these breathtaking works of fabric art!
Joan Oldham B107
Cindy Smith B108
Lisa Yarborough H115
Gaye Ryon D105
Sue Elliott F101
Alana Yuratich D108